1. DON’T plug a bunch of stuff into one outlet or extension cord. It could damage the electrical system in your house or even cause a fire. Show children how plugs work, and let them know that even if they are curious about the slits of an electrical outlet, nothing else should be placed inside.
Our reliance on electronics and gadgets is a risk when family members overcrowd electrical outlets, continue to use frayed wires, place devices near liquids or leave electronics on for long periods of time.
2. Make sure all electric cords are tucked away, neat and tidy. Pets might chew on electrical cords, and people might trip and fall.
3. DON’T ever climb the fence around an electrical substation. If a ball or pet gets inside the fence, contact your local electric utility for assistance—they’ll come and get it out for you.
4. DON’T ever yank an electrical cord from the wall. Pulling out a cord can damage the appliance, plug or outlet.
5. Fly your kite far away from power lines or substations. Fly kites and model airplanes in large open areas like a park or a field, safely away from trees and overhead power lines. If a kite gets stuck in a tree that’s near power lines, don’t climb up to get it. Contact your local electric cooperative for assistance. The kite and the string may conduct electricity—sending it right through you to the ground.
6. Ask a grown-up for help when you need to use something that uses electricity.
7. DO look up and look out for power lines before you climb a tree. The electricity can go right through the tree branch—and right through you!
8. Have a grown-up put safety caps on all unused electrical outlets. Covering outlets will also help save energy by stopping cold drafts.
9. Remind your mom or dad to watch out for power lines when they’re using a ladder, chainsaw or other outdoor equipment.
10. Keep electrical stuff far away from water. Water and electricity never mix. Use caution before plugging in a radio, CD player, or any electrical gadget outdoors, and keep all electrical appliances at least 10 feet away from hot tubs, pools, ponds, puddles and wet surfaces.10-rules